Last month, Jeremy Lustman, who leads the firm’s Israel Country Group, participated as a member of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s business delegation on the premier’s historic visit to India. The trip marked 26 years since the two countries first established diplomatic relations, and came on the heels of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Israel just six months prior.
Among a select group of business leaders, Jeremy met with representatives from a diverse cross-section of both Israeli and Indian industries, including cybersecurity, water-tech, healthcare and agriculture. Over the course of the half-week business summit, held in both Delhi and Mumbai, the two countries’ respective delegations developed and discussed key investment and trade strategies, innovation and new technologies, and mutually beneficial economic ventures. Significantly, to implement these objectives, the countries’ officials executed nine agreements and memoranda of understanding in connection with energy, aviation, film co-production, space science, and solar thermal technologies, among others.
Addressing the summit, Prime Minister Netanyahu praised the countries’ bond as a “partnership made in heaven,” inviting each country’s leaders to “[l]et us now consecrate [the partnership] on earth.” He implored the representatives to “[c]ome to Israel [and] invest in Israel,” promising that “Israel will come here as well.”
Just recently, DLA Piper’s Israel Country Group co-hosted its own Israel-India Summit, too. In November 2017, governmental and business representatives from each country met in Herzliya, Israel, for an instructive half-day event focused on opportunities and challenges for the countries’ mutual economic ties.
We look forward to continuing to create unique opportunities for our clients by leveraging our global relationships, including our Israeli and Indian business relationships, and by providing integrated legal solutions and strategies spanning a diverse array of industries and sectors.